A review by hollyfromthebigsky
The Wolf Border by Sarah Hall


SO, I have a confession. If a book has the word "wolf" or "wolves" in the title, there's like a 540% higher chance that I'll buy it. Ever since I read Julie of the Wolves as a kid, I've been a sucker....

I'm not sure if I bought this because of that or because if was reviewed positively by a BookRiot contributor, or for some other reason, but I bought it and in lingered on my Kindle for awhile.

It was not what I expected. For some reason, I think I got it mixed up with another book I'd heard of that was more postapocalyptic. This is a quiet tale, but there's still so much going on. It tackles ideas of freedom, parenting, community, wealth and privilege, and the wild in the midst of the settled. It was fun to read it after visiting the UK this fall, as I felt much more strongly than I would have before the sense of place.

A good, enjoyable read.