A review by wizardpendragon
Falling for a Rake by Eve Pendle

"I love you."
"I’m glad. Because if you tried to leave, I’d shoot you."
He huffed with laughter. "I’d deserve it."

this book was not exactly what i was expecting, but all the better for it!

two complicated people with dark pasts weighing them down, falling into an old mine shaft together and having to stay the night in the enclosed space where their secrets spill and they have to huddle for warmth???? sign me tf up!!

Emily’s passion for ferns was very fascinating to read about and the incorporation of political discussions very interesting (if horrifying at that).
i liked the way the book took a new spin to the "he’s a rake/she’s a perfect lady" trope, with Oscar feeling determinedly pathetic and Emily shutting the truth out for so long.

⤷ would i reread? yeah, i think so and i’ll definitely check out the next books in the series :)

PS: *huge plus* content notes at the beginning!!