A review by krisrid
A Story to Kill by Lynn Cahoon


There was a lot I liked about this first book in this series, and one thing I didn't. Overall, though this was high on the list of cozies I've liked, and will definitely read the next book in the series to see how it develops.

First, what I liked. I really liked the writers retreat aspect and talk about reading and writing books. Having the retreat set in an old house renovated for the purpose is also a fun component, especially as the renovations are continuing during this book.

I really liked the motley cast of characters, both the "regulars" who will obviously be permanent members, and the writers coming to the retreat. The writers who visit makes this a series that has lots of potential for keeping the concept of this series fresh and unpredictable, since new guests mean new plots that are actually plausible, rather than just a formula that gets thinner and thinner in terms of believeability. There are lots of possibilities with this idea.

I like that the setting is Colorado, a different locale than many cozies I've read and somewhere I don't know that much about.

I liked the complexity and the secrets that are revealed in Cat's life, in addition to the murder that takes place among the first set of guests at the retreat. That also set up some potentially intriguing plot lines for future books and interested me.

The one thing about this I didn't love was Cat's angst about her potential romance with Seth. To avoid spoilers, all I will say is: "Stop mooning about and DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT, Cat!" The anguish and drama and caterwauling was way over the top, even for a cozy. It also didn't jibe with the rest of Cat's personality in the book. I didn't buy that she would be a weepy, angry mess about something that should be a no-brainer. That one thing irked me throughout the story, but hopefully in the next book, that will have resolved, so Cat can move forward without the histrionics.

Overall, though, I really enjoyed this, and am looking forward to reading more in this series.