A review by anotsowickedwhich
From a Shadow Grave by Andi C. Buchanan


“All ghost stories start with endings, but you are a woman, not a story.”

This book tells the story of the various possibilities a single event may go. The one factor that always remains the same is this — an attempted murder of a teenage girl on a hillside in New Zealand. Whichever particular path is the ‘truth’ isn’t quite the point in my opinion. Certain moments and people still fill in spaces along each timeline. It was both paranormal and a little bit sci-fi. Both things I tend to enjoy in a read.

As a story told in second person, this isn’t a normal read for me, but I enjoyed it quite a lot. There is something almost diaphanous about the writing and prose despite how suffocating and dark the subject matter is. Like something drifting along in the wind that touches your arm lightly and gets your attention. It had mine the whole way through.

It was a quick read; a single sitting was all it took for me. I truly would not have minded more had there been so!

I received a free copy of this book for review from BookSirens. Thank you so much to them and the author for the opportunity.