A review by littlerah
Meet Me at the Intersection by Ambelin Kwaymullina, Rebecca Lim


”The danger of a single narrative is that it leaves individuals vulnerable to the dehumanisation that is at the core of all institutions of oppression” (177) – Rafeif Ismail.

It took me far too long to read ‘Meet Me At The Intersection.’ You know when something is going to carry a lot of weight and meaning for so many authors, you just want to find a good time to devour it? That has been me with this anthology. But I can now confirm that Rebecca Lim and Ambelin Kwaymullina have done a fantastic job editing and putting together this collection.

Each piece starts with a bio into the authors life, their experiences and what they’re writing about. This was something I really adored about the collection and enabled me to understand the authors more and why they wrote what they did. I’d love to see this introduced into further anthologies to recognise the importance of authorship and identity.

The pieces were all beautiful, strong representations of diversity, and voices and characters that have gone unheard for far too long in Australia. I felt moved by a number of them and wanted more, full length pieces, extended understandings, to read the entire works of a number of the authors.

“Beat down the door until the powers that be notice that I’m not an infant, nor an invalid, I’m a capable human with wants and aspirations and ambitions, who has every right to explore every avenue open to me and many that are not” (67) - Olivia Muscat.

Among my favourite pieces in the collection were, ‘Stars In Our Eyes,’ ‘Sheer Fortune,’ ‘Almitra Amongst Ghosts,’(second person narratives for the win!) ‘The Other Son’ and ‘Autumn Leaves.’ This is clearly a long list and an indicator of the strengths that these writers present to readers.

‘Meet Me At The Intersection’ is a stepping stone hopefully into a world of further more inclusive and encouraging literature that is human, accessible and equal. Each writer has created something incredible and should be applauded for their work. I wish them all the best in the future and have definitely gained some notable authors to read!