A review by tiggers_hate_acorns
Line and Orbit by Lisa Soem, Sunny Moraine


This story is a sci-fi/fantasy with a small M/M romance subplot. So those looking for lots of loving and angst need to look elsewhere. The world-building is well done, the two main races being the Terran Protectorate - a genetically enhanced human like race and the Bideshi - a space travelling gypsy like human race who spurn enhancement.
The plot revolves around Adam, a member of the Protectorate who after failing a promotion medical is cast aside. In desperation and dying, Adam steals from the Protectorate and while fleeing is rescued by Lochlan, a Bideshi and taken to Lochlan's home. The Protectorate realise that Adam knows too much to be allowed to live and try to kill him( collateral damage is inconsequential!). The plot has twists and side shoots but it is the descriptions of the worlds and giant spaceships built by the authors that hold the book together. One can picture the story as it unfolds.
The end or is it just the beginning? is open-ended but I couldn't see any hint of a sequel, mores the pity. An enjoyable 4 star read.