A review by sc104906
Escape from Aleppo by N.H. Senzai


I received this as an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Several years again Nadia was a typical tween girl. She loved Arab Idol, and hated homework. However now her country of Syria is being torn apart by political unrest and war. This war has taken friends and family from her. She can no longer go to school. Nadia’s family has decided that it is time to leave Aleppo, Syria. When Nadia gets separated from her family, she counts on the kindness of a stranger to reunite her with her family at the Turkish border.

This was a timely tale that children across the globe can connect to. The United States is not presented in a particularly positive light, but it is presented in a real light. This book appropriately addresses the tragedy and violence found in Aleppo.