A review by protoman21
Following Atticus: Forty-Eight High Peaks, One Little Dog, and an Extraordinary Friendship by Tom Ryan


Atticus is a special dog, no doubt about that. It was a pleasure hearing about how he, along with Tom's first dog, Max, helped to change Tom's life and turn him into a very different person. His relationship with Tom is a perfect example of being man's best friend. The adventures they get into together are fun to watch as they accomplish more than either of them could ever have imagined. His story is inspirational and made me want to find a mountain to climb with my dogs immediately, though I'll probably avoid doing it in the winter!

I do have one minor complaint. Tom came off a little pretentious at times in relaying his story in this format. I'm not sure if his newspaper has the same feel, but it kept me from completely connecting with him. He sits atop his high horse especially when talking about the small town politics he became involved with while writing his own newspaper. He makes assumptions and accusations here without any real proof, but we are just supposed to take his word for it that he was persecuted and intimidated. I know the media serves a purpose and can expose corruption, but just because they claim to speak the truth, does not make that true, even if they believe with all of their heart that it is. There were many points where it was clear that Tom was very proud of himself.

Despite this, I still enjoyed their story very much.