A review by ginkgo
Cyclonopedia: Complicity with Anonymous Materials by Reza Negarestani

I don't know what to think about it. At first I thought it was as if Papus read some Lovecraft, the Social Construction of Reality and contemporary science, watched Screamers and The Exorcist and was pretty much inspired; then I skipped pages because I didn't understand - links, problems, Advil, wtf plot? Then I've catch a Moby Dick woman and WTF WTF FOR REAL. Warmachines, entities - it all started to make some semblance of sense. And it has become terrifying.
Lilith who's opening you up and tells her stories devouring you whole, dust as the element which encompass the time and space simultaneously, bringer and keeper of death with billions of travelling bacterias and such. We were talking about Gilgamesh and Ibn Maimun? Well, now it's US weapons "leveling all shelters, all erected entities", leaving only desert for expanding battlefield. Who's fighting War on Terror on the side of terror?

I've flown to the end and am standing, naturally, in the desert. Alchemy brought me no homunculus - only decay, mutant dead gods are a mess immanent to judgement, and radical paranoia is upon me.
I've read it and haven't read it. I do need to return to it, but maybe in chunks. Inspiring, that's for sure. But in an incomprehensible way.