A review by snoopydoo77
Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones


In this book we have Charley racing against time in order to find Reyes’s body to safe his life and a case that involves a friend of Cookie missing. It is very fast paced and Charley has hardly a minute to breath between all the things going on. It is hinted that there is much more to Charley than we or her thought and that she has more powers than she know. But she has to figure them out on her own, according to Reyes. He keeps showing up but won’t tell her where is body is located which causes quite the stir between the two.
I really like Charley she is smart, sassy, and won’t give up. No matter what who or what is after her. She is also quite funny and has sarcasm on hand like no other.

You can find my full review here: