A review by nolansmock
The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún Vol. 3 by Nagabe


A perfect bedtime story to me, especially when my brain is winding down. Some manga is packed with information, but this is an easy read with beautiful artwork. It's soothing in a way, but mysterious, and the shadows, man, the shadows! The way pitch-black creeps in and begins to overwhelm the pages is like nothing I've seen before. The closest I can think of is 'On A Sunbeam', but those aren't shadows in a forest, they're space. Either way, I like the approach.

The atmosphere of the witch trials starting around the mid-1500 looms over this story and is hard to ignore. I still think it's one of the darkest eras of human society, thanks to the post-medieval blossoming of Catholic and Protestant theology. Over 50,000 people were either drowned or burned at the stake or who knows what, and don't even get me started on the cats. They burned the cats and gathered around to enjoy it! Maybe they needed better television but it's especially unbelievable when you consider it began with one branch of the religion going after another because they didn't like their take on the religion and thought demons interacting with humans were responsible.

Sorry, for some reason I had to go to Catholic school up until junior high so dogma gets me worked up. My middle name, Thomas, is from St. Thomas Aquinas, who laid the groundwork for establishing that witchcraft was an actual, real threat and not, as the church believed it was before, impossible and complete illusion. His words were even quoted in witch-hunting manuals 200 years after his death! I mean, what am I even talking about here? This is a children's book! But there's a detail revealed in this volume that blurs the idea of which "side" is really "the other" and it's a moody and interesting depiction of the nature of dualism.

So yes, a great bedtime story!