A review by barbtrek
Refractions by M.V. Melcer


Although this book broke my “I won’t read anything related to climate change” rule, I ended up thoroughly enjoying the story. The main character was well-developed, although I did get a bit confused with some of the minor characters. I would categorize this as soft science fiction or speculative fiction because the science isn’t explained in great detail, and the story is primarily character-driven. I particularly relished the “sciency” mysteries the crew faced. I’m awarding it 5 stars purely because of how much I enjoyed the story. I made an effort not to overanalyze the character motivations.

Without giving away any spoilers, I can say that I found the ending satisfying, although there were a few moments when I feared I wouldn’t. I’m definitely open to reading more from this author. I want to express my gratitude to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book, but rest assured, it did not influence my review