A review by bethadele
What Milo Saw by Virginia Macgregor


Virginia Macgregor has created a cast of memorable and loveable characters. From 9 year old Milo, the little boy with Retinitis Pigmentosa, who sees things other people miss through his reduced visual field; to Tripi, a Syrian refugee searching for his lost sister and a better safer life; to Nurse Thornbill, a greedy and unsympathetic woman; to Petros, a man with a secret; to Mr Overland, the whistling neighbour who stares out his window all day and night; and others who make up this heart warming, touching tale.

A commentary of how dismissive we can be as a society, particularly of the young and the elderly. How selfish we can be. But also how all it takes is for someone to lovingly open our eyes to seeing what is really there and what isn't. What Milo Saw will make you laugh and sigh. Sorrowful and hopeful in equal measures this is a truly beautiful story of family, love and the details that hide nestled amongst the bigger picture.