A review by booksplantsandtea
The Siren by Tiffany Reisz


I'm having a terrible bookhangover! I'm shaking from the intensity of this book. All the characters got under my skin.
I found my new favourite book.

Even though any review I'll ever write will never show how good, no how AWESOME, this book is, I feel like I have to share my thoughts and my experience about this one.
So here's my story:

I bought "Bound" by Tiffany Reisz for a very cheap price without even bothering to read the blurb. I knew it was a book that consisted of several short stories.
One day, after finishing another book, I thought it could be fun to read a few short stories and took "Bound" off my bookshelf. I opened the book and began reading the first short story, which was "Seven-Day Loan" by Tiffany Reisz. I immediately loved the story, loved her writing, loved her characters. I new I had found a new favourite author. So I decided to read another book written by her.
I went to her Goodreads profile and my eye immediately fell on "The Siren", I read the blurb and couldn't wait to read it.

Well, it got me right away. This book is simply awesome.
I gotta say my expectations were pretty low and into the gutter. I saw that the genres of the book were "BDSM" and "Erotica" so of course I thought this book would be all about sex with little to no plot. Tiffany, if you read this, I apologize. This book swept me off my feet.
I fell in love with the characters and their story.
I read this book one week before my exams. And I didn't do a thing. I was completely into the book. When I was at school during class (and I obviously couldn't read) I was thinking about what had already happened, where I stopped reading, and what would happen. I was shipping Nora and Søren like a mad girl. I was constantly thinking of reading. When occasionally I felt bad about doing nothing for school I just thought about the book, began reading and forgot all about it. I didn't care about real life anymore.
It's the first time a book got me this hard.
Now that I've finished it, my hand are shaking of all the emotions that I'm feeling: disappointment because I've finished the book, excitement because it's a series so there are more books to read, excitement because of the characters, how the book ended... I could go on and on about it.

My mom just asked me if I'm okay because she saw I'm shaking.
I was like:

Anyway this book is

and certainly worth reading!!