A review by aligroen
Promises: The Next Generation by A.E. Via


A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Review:

Rating: 5 stars out of 5

I love this series so much. So the guys are ready to not take such an active role in retrieving their bounties and they are looking to bring in some they think they can trust. Kell has a problem with acting before he thinks but Quick gives him the opportunity to do something else with himself, he’ll just need to show the other guys he is worthy. Ty has pretty much been on his own since his father’s deployment, working to support his mother’s care while trying to find his soul mate.

Ty’s father taught him such a different way to see the world and others and I just loved it and how much he respected others and how he treated everyone. Kell has trouble believing anyone would really want him after all that had happened with his father and how stand-offish he is to many but the right man can get past his defenses.

I loved how Ty didn’t let the fact the Kell is male keep him from exploring a relationship with him, even if he wasn’t quite ready to admit it. Kell deserved to be cherished and Ty wasn’t scared to do that or stand up to his stubbornness. I loved seeing their thoughts and feelings throughout the story and it made it even easier to understand and connect with them. They worked well together as partners at work and in their personal life and will get so much more time as they live their life together. I hope Ty’s dedication to Kell and their marriage will put a bug in the other guys’ ears possibly for the future. I look forward to meeting Dana’s and Ford’s recruits next time.

The cover art by Jay Aheer is great and I love how they all are similar in style but still different.