A review by currents_convulsive
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe


Really, really flat-out bad.
It's unfortunate that this is one of the oldest surviving English stories. The protagonist has little to no redeeming qualities, had survival handed to him on a silver platter - he had a servant and all the shipwreck's supplies, for god's sake - and more than half the book is a tedious pro/con list about what he should and should not do.
There's next to no emphasis on plot, and the whole book is just plain and preachy, with next to no actual emotion in it. The only thing shown in this book are Robinson's piety, luck and racism. I know we shouldn't look at ild books using modern morals, but I was painfully, painfully bored.
I would overlook the colonial overtones if there was anything else in the story to look at, but honestly? I hate this book more than I hate A Court Of Thorns And Roses.