A review by totesintobooks
Sugarbread by Balli Kaur Jaswal


In my attempt to diversify my reads, this Singlit book was one that had allowed me to learn of racism, classism and abuse. It’s a page turner for sure but the large bulk of the narrative is to explain the culture in Singapore, painting a detailed description of the setting which could be used to focus on the storyline instead. I got a glimpse of the Sikh community and their beliefs. On top of that, Pin’s mother’s cooking will make you salivate everytime you read of them. I like the book but the ending fell flat for me. Perhaps because it felt predictable. Children look up to adults as bearers shedding light to their beliefs so whatever actions we do would affect their faith and how they view their religion. I tremendously felt connected to each of Pin’s family members and particularly liked her father! 3/5 ⭐️ because I completed it hoping I had gotten more from the book.