A review by redheadstorm
The City of Blood by Frédérique Molay, Jeffrey Zuckerman


So take a wild guess which book I picked to start off my 2015 reading season with?! (oh the sweet anticipation of the selection process) I knew that the release date for book #3 in Frédérique Molay's Paris Homicide series is just around the corner so I was "saving" the book in order to (savor it and) be able to rave about it around the time of its publication so that other readers would be able to grab their copy of the book right away. (it is NOT a sweet torture waiting for the next book in a series you love)

My enthusiasm for the series, for Frédérique Molay's writing style and imagination, for the character of Nico Sirsky (swoon) has not diminished one bit and The City of Blood gave me enough fuel to feed my anticipation of book #4 now. This time around the story leads us into the world of Parisian art and artists. During the excavation of a modern art installation at La Villette park the workers dig up more than just art - discovery of human remains will have the Police Chief Nico Sirsky and his team trying to uncover many long buried secrets. As in the previous two books in the background there is a subplot regarding Nico's family/private life.

There are many things I enjoy about this series and the murder mystery aspect of it is just one element. I love learning new things about Paris, its history, its landscape. I think I might even end up creating a little "Paris Homicide book series tour guide to Paris" in order to make sure I cover all these places next time I go for a visit. At one point in the book Nico and one of his colleagues have to go to a gay bar/club in order to hunt down some information relevant to the investigation and I must say that was probably one of the most entertaining moments in the series. It felt so very French to me. Obviously I cannot recommend this series enough, especially for all the lovers of police procedurals.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I can honestly say that I am extremely grateful to Le French Book for supplying me with the books from this series because I am sure that my eagerness and impatience could've been detrimental to my health. Now I'm off to find out how long till book #4.