A review by mayu
Willow Woods Academy for Witches by R.L. Weeks, Skylar McKinzie


The synopsis of this book sounds really interesting, plus that cover is quite appealing but I won't lie, what made me eventually pick this book up was this statement,"Fans of Harry Potter and Beautiful Creatures will love this series" and I love Harry Potter series a lot. I had pretty high expectations from this book and I am really glad that this book lived up to my expectations.

The first thing I wish to talk about is the characters. I loved both Angie and Kat's characters. Both of them were very relatable. Even though they were witches but they were like normal girls, with normal wishes and desires.

Though we get to know who the villain is in first few pages but still that does not stop this book from being a page turner because with each turning page we get new twists and turns. And the chapters 30-33 just stole the show, they were super thrilling.

If you have read Harry Potter, then in different places of this book you are sure to get Harry Potter vibes, this is something I loved.

As always there are a few things that I didn't like. Actually there were only two complaints I have about this book. I first one is I wish there was more magic, even though less of magic actually made the characters more relatable to me but still I can't help myself from asking for more magic. I think the next books of the series will have more magic because the second half of the book had quite a lot of magic plus in next books they will be in higher years and would have learned more magic. Another thing is I wish this book was longer, because I wanted more class (not class of people, I am talking about class where we are taught lessons or subjects) descriptions. There were only three classes described and that too really brief, but those brief descriptions were really nice and left me wanting more.

Anyway these minor problems didn't stop me from loving this book a lot and will not stop me from picking up next books in Willow Woods Series. There is a cliffhanger at the end and I just can't wait to read what the next book has in store.

Final words

If you have read and loved Harry Potter then this book is definitely for you. If you haven't read Harry Potter but are fan of YA fantasy/ mystery, then do give this book a shot you won't be disappointed.