A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Moonlit Agate by Katherine Isaac


The cover of this book might be my favorite of this series. I really love the wings, they are so mesmerizing and realistic! I was therefore quite excited to read this story, hoping that the characters and plot would be as amazing as the cover. Last week my arc landed in my mailbox and it's that I wanted to save the book for a workday, because usually I can read those within a day even when I have to work, else I would have started it right away.

The first thing I want to mention is the writing style. Isaac has a wonderful writing style. She uses the right amount of descriptions, balanced with very natural dialogues. Not only her characters are therefore quite vivid, so is everything else. I could almost feel the sand and mud between my toes and I could really see the spirits of the trees. The story really came to life, both in my heart and soul and in my head.

I also really enjoyed the plot in this book. Maybe it wasn't too big or spectacular, but it made sure our characters had a lovely character arc. It also really fitted our heroine's personality. It almost felt as if the plot, the story about the ancient tree and the spirit in it, was a part of our heroine. And although there are some really sad moments I ended the book with a huge smile on my face and a really warm feeling in my heart.

That's also because of the characters. I have to admit that I would have loved to get to know the guys a little better. Adding their point of view would have helped me to understand and like them better. However, in their interactions and conversations with our heroine they seemed like a perfect fit for her. Especially because they weren't perfect. They had a little edge, some hidden layer. I will for sure check out every other book this author will write in the future.