A review by stormywolf
Sandry's Book by Tamora Pierce


 Though the story is titled Sandry's Book in the US, I kinda prefer the UK title, The Magic in the Weaving, because, well, this book isn't just about Sandry. All four of the children star in nearly every chapter, and the story is more about each of them finding acceptance than any one of them. Still, Sandry's skill is the weaving, which does assume an important role in the story, so titling the book after her isn't completely out of place.

Read my full review at The Wolf's Den

Overall I'd say this is a wonderful start to an amazing series. The pre-teen-aged (10-12) character and the lack of violence, language or sex make it suitable for Middle-Grade readers. However, there's not a lot of action until about three-quarters of the way through, so it may be better for more patient (possibly older) readers. A story of fantasy, friendship, and overcoming prejudice, Sandry's Book is sure to open up a new realm of possibilities to readers young and old and leave them hungry for more.

Approximate Reading Time: 3 hours