A review by veritytease
The Truth About Riley by Henrietta Clarke


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I guess this is one of those reads that should have been perfect for me, was liked by my GR friends but ultimately missed the mark. I don't think I've read an MM romance with a disabled character that I haven't given 4 stars to, but I had issues with this book from the start.
Although the premise of this book is interesting, I had issues with how the MC's relationship started
Spoiler Seriously? a creep calls you thinking you're a gay sex hotline and 2 minutes later you're telling him details of your failed 4 year relationship? Not buying it!

I struggled through the first half of this book, but enjoyed the second half considerably more. It is basically a spin on a romcom like You've Got Mail and it does have some seriously adorable moments, laced with some seriously ridiculous ones. All in all, good, not great.