A review by juliriganti
Stardust by Neil Gaiman


“Have been unavoidably detained by the world. Expect us when you see us.”

I always forget how much I love Neil Gaiman's books and then I read another one and it's a surprise all over again. Stardust has been on my TBR for a while now and I'm very happy I finally picked it up last month.

I really enjoyed this book. The fairytale vibe is so nice, and Neil Gaiman has a very simple way of writing that feels like listening to someone tell a story out loud more than reading a book.
Tristran is such a likable character to read about, he's funny and easygoing (and a bit plain in the best way) but also smart and brave when he has to be, and I loved how all the stories connect in the book. Now I want more stories dedicated to the other characters in the story like the hairy man and the 7 brothers.

There are two things I didn't like: the first one is a spoiler if you don't know anything about this book, so just in case I'm gonna block it
Spoilerthe relationship between Yvaine and Tristran felt rushed, like she hated him, then she kinda didn't, and suddenly they were in love. Which I understand is very fairytale like but that just isn't my thing.
, the second one is the "fight" before the ending. It just felt a bit anti-climatic and boring? It's like there were stakes, and then they fizzled out to nothing in two pages.

I saw a few reviews criticizing the violence and gore in the book, but have you guys read original fairytales? I know Disney took a lot of them and made them more family-friendly but fairytales were often cruel and more like warning tales to scare kids, so I loved this part about the book. If you're looking for a not-so-long fairytale book about a boy on a journey then this is absolutely the book for you.