A review by lidotchka
Autant En Empor by Margar Mitchell


★★★☆☆ - An interesting book, very racist as well.

Of course, I won't surprise anyone by saying [b:Gone with the Wind|18405|Gone with the Wind|Margaret Mitchell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1551144577l/18405._SY75_.jpg|3358283] is a racist book. Yes, it was written in the 1930s, which can "explain" its racist side (even if racism can't be explained, you understand what I'm trying to say). But even placed in its historical context, you cannot deny the author herself seems to have some very clear white supremacist ideas: she spreading racist stereotypes and literally whitewashing the horrors of slavery.
Besides this massive problem, the story is alright. However, it is sometimes incredible boring, so many pages are just describing random things. I understand the point of it, but I'm sorry, that's too much description. I really had to force myself to read it sometimes because God it was boring.
Will I read the second book? For sure. I already know the story of course (I watched the movie many times, and I have to admit the movie is probably a bit better because it get rids of many super boring parts of the book).
So in conclusion, I think I would advise everyone to read this book, it's a classic. Yet, be aware that it's very racist and that its description of the South is very much idealised (and not historically accurate).