A review by samrosewilde
The Camelot Betrayal by Kiersten White


In the last novel, Guinevere was sent as changeling to protect Arthur. Instead, she did the very opposite. Now, she must live with her actions while still figuring out how to be both a queen and a witch. If you liked the last book, you will love this continuation. More action, more romance, more angst, and more beautiful Camelot.

medieval lady

My favorite parts:

~~Lancelot (this is basically how I imagine Lancelot to look!)
medieval knight

Need I say more? The knight who will always protect her Queen. I loved getting to see Lancelot more this novel. I love her chemistry with Guinevere, how she always see Guinevere for who she is.

~~Arthur (apparently my mental image of this sunshine nugget does not exist irl)
medieval king

I really liked Arthur’s character development. I always liked him, but he was almost too perfect. We start to see some cracks around the facet. He is still wonderful, but I love peaking at the emotion brewing just under his calm exterior.

~~Guinevere grappling with the idea that she might always be left behind, or just as bad, unneeded. Who would miss you if you were no longer there? This book portrays this fear in Guinevere in such a relatable way that it was almost painful for me to see, because I saw myself.

~~I LOVED the female characters introduced in this book. They angered me, they charmed me, and I enjoyed every moment of female representation.

~~Does your past define you? It’s a question that haunts Guinevere but could be applied to any and all characters. Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot, Mordred…and numerous new characters. What an engaging question.

There were a couple of things that did bother me about the novel. Something that drove me crazy in the first book and continues to drive me crazy is how Guinevere jumps to conclusions. I always just remind myself that she is only 16, and when I was 16, I was probably the same way. Also, if you did not enjoy the slower pace of the first book, I’m sorry to tell you the slow pace continues. I enjoyed the introspection and various plot lines, but I would not call it a fast pace. At least, not until the later half of the book…

I can’t wait for the final book. My only regret is that it is so far away. I’m not going to stop reading until I finally know who Guinevere truly is….

Who will Guinevere choose to be, and to be with?
I know who I’d choose…

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!