A review by caseroo7
Conquer Me by Geneva Lee


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

I have been dying to get my hands on Conquer Me since I finished Command Me, and I absolutely could not wait for more of X and Clara. I loved these two right away, and I knew that their story was going to be interesting. Geneva Lee definitely did not disappoint with the second book in The Royals Saga and if you were a fan of the first book, I think that you will really like the second one. These absolutely need to be read in order as the story continues from one book to the next, so make sure that you start at the beginning if you haven't already read Command Me. This series is quickly becoming one of my all time favorites though, and I am already anxious for the next book!

Conquer Me picks up after the events of Command Me with Clara and X reaching a turning point in their relationship. Though Clara loves Alexander, she refuses to be kept a secret and treated as nothing more than a mistress. Though it leaves both X and Clara broken-hearted, she chooses to walk away now before it is too late. But the more time that passes, the more X and Clara realize that they can't stop what is between them no matter how much distance there is. Soon Clara finds herself back in X's arms, and unable to fight the feelings she has for him. But X has warned her of his past and the darkness within him, even if Clara has yet to experience it. As Clara and X find their way back to one another, they have new obstacles to face. Can they conquer what lies ahead for them, or will they be torn apart?

I love X so much. He is sexy and alpha, and will stop at nothing to protect those he loves. This is especially true if he thinks they need protecting from him. What I love about X though is that he is so complex. He has a past and has tortured himself with everything that happened, and he has shut himself off from truly feeling love because of it. He tried so hard to fight it with Clara, choosing to never let her in enough to be hurt by what he thinks will break her. But try as he might, he was unable to fight what was between them and I found it fascinating to watch. Clara thought that she was doing what she had to do for herself and for X, but soon realized that she couldn't live without him. She could fight it all she wanted, but just like X she saw that what was between them was far stronger than anything either of them could control. Clara continues to be great for X though. They really are starting to understand each other and see through the other as only a couple deep in love can. These two are so much stronger together, and I love seeing them come together rather than try to go it alone. These two are super hot together and have off the charts chemistry, but they also have such an undeniable connection which is what makes them truly special.

I honestly cannot wait for more. I have loved getting to see X and Clara's journey so far, and it is nowhere near over. I really enjoyed seeing Clara's friendship with X's brother, and I really love her best friend. I thought that this book was really great because of the secondary characters almost as much as the main characters. Geneva Lee is a fantastic writer, and I find myself getting lost in her stories so easily. Whenever I start her books the rest of the world seems to fall away, and I can't help but breeze through them. If you are looking for a sexy and enthralling story, this series is an absolute must read. I cannot say enough good things about it, and it is really one of those that you just have to read for yourself. I can't wait for the next book, Crown Me, and to also see what else Geneva Lee does in the future. Geneva Lee is quickly becoming a favorite author for me, and I look forward to reading more from her.

**ARC Provided by Truly Schmexy PR**