A review by shamrockshelf
A Cosy Christmas at Bridget's Bicycle Bakery by Alex Brown


4.5 *stars*

Thanks to HarperCollins UK and Netgalley for providing and advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

This is a "Christmasy" book!!!
It would have been 5 stars but the first chapter was hard to get into. It was unnecessary, too descriptive. Every other word was just too much for my liking. That's why it will be 4.5 stars from me.

My thoughts:
Finally a good Christmas themed book. Despite the first chapter the rest of the book was amazing. When I was reading it I felt like it's Christmas time already. The snow, the moment of grief, the family relationships, the freshly baked goods and of course Hot Jack! It's a perfectly balanced romance book.

Brief synopsis:
All you need to know: the main point is dealing with grief and how to live your life after losing someone you really love and not feeling guilty/bad about it. But there is a cute romance aspect as well. Timeline is shortly before Christmas and you can definitely feel the vibe of it. And you can't imagine Christmas time without freshly baked sourdough bread, mince pies etc.

If you are looking for a Christmas book, pick this one up!
Thank you!
