A review by owls_rainbow
Entice by Carrie Jones


Slightly lower rating for this one simply because it took them so bloody long to find Valhalla and for Mrs. Nix dying :( not so sad about Zara's dad because he was a manipulative asshole, he did redeem himself slightly with his sacrifice though. Slightly frustrated that Nick seemed to be OK with Zara as a pixie so quickly... Maybe Endure will have more problems. I'm kinda feeling Astley might be better for her now though. Nick loves her because he can protect her, Astley loves her for her. And he's an all round nice guy. Nick tries to control Zara at times which is something I hate.

But overall good. I liked meeting the nice pixies and I liked the scenes at Valhalla. And an interesting plot point regarding Astley's mother and Frank being his cousin. I look forward to seeing where that goes.

Now Amazon hurry up and deliver Endure so I can start reading!