A review by daphself
Blessing by Lyn Cote


I've always been interested in Quakers (especially since my ancestors were Quakers) and I had looked forward to this story. It was quite in depth and historically sound. The author did a tremendous job with her research and accurately portrayed the characters, scenery, political scenes, and way of life with minute detail. The book started slow and it took a while to lose myself into the words, but once it happened it flowed with a fast current, dragging me along from one twist to another. The only times that I was jolted out of the story and needed to re-read the passages were when the scenes changed from one character to another without warning.

If you like historical novels with a strong, budding romance and that revealed history that shows we have never really changed from what we used to be, then Blessing by Lynn Cote is a great novel to read.

**I received this book from Tyndale courtesy of BookFun.org in exchange for my honest review**