A review by eemms
One Night in Boukos by A.J. Demas


I love the world building and characters in this book, but I think readers will enjoy it more coming at it as a fantasy-historical fiction book than a romance. Most of it is Marzana and Bedar running around after a MacGuffin. Having split up in their search, they each get distracted by a local who they connect with. After only a few hours together Bedar and Marzana nearly forget what they were looking for in the first place. Oh, and all of this is taking place during a festival traditionally celebrated by falling in bed with the best looking stranger you can find. 5/5 stars for world building (it's the same world as Something Human and I love the cultures explored in this one) but the romance/story isn't as strong as Something Human and I loved it a little less than that one.