A review by caffeineandbookreviews
Muti Nation by Monique Snyman


I was introduced to Monique via her first series [b:Charming Incantations: Enticed|18458169|Charming Incantations Enticed (Charming #1)|Monique Snyman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1378371375s/18458169.jpg|21438214] but you can't compare [b:Muti Nation|30655678|Muti Nation|Monique Snyman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1466434252s/30655678.jpg|51200647] to that. Not by a long shot. Snyman's writing has grown so much since that first novel was published and though I'll always love it Muti Nation has introduced me to the Horror genre with swift ease and a not so gentle kick to the genitals in a totally hot way. How this woman was able to seamlessly combine horror, a fast paced thriller with so many twists my head was reeling and some pretty hot sex scenes that required your to maul your significant other is beyond me. She even managed to get me to read something based locally, and that is no easy feat.

Well written, well rounded and I did not see that ending coming.

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