A review by helenecats
The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice by Shon Faye

challenging emotional funny hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


I had never heard of the writer before picking this book up. I thought I knew a fair amount about issues that transgender people face, thanks to discussions with a close relative, some TV shows and articles I read over the years. 

... I was wrong. I learnt SO MUCH by reading this book. Everyone should read it. It really is so educational and it pulls no punches. 

I'll give you some examples of topics addressed, some of which were on my radar, but most weren't: 

❓Were do transgender people go if they are victims of domestic violence? Most womens' shelters are reluctant to accept trans women, and mens' shelters can have some homophobic/violent cis men. This is particularly worrying as transgender people are more likely to be abused by a partner. 

❓Where do transgender people go if they are incarcerated? There is a lot of transphobia in prisons. Shon does not stop at this - she denounces the inefficacy of prisons and looks at more humane alternatives. 

❓ Why does the media / the average cost person think of transgender people as white and middle-class, when the statistics show that most are working class, and from a range of backgrounds and ethnicities? 

❓ Why do trans women get criticised for overdoing the makeup/feminine clothes/shoes, sometimes seen as parodies of women, showing too much skin or being too sexual, but on the other hand, get criticised by doctors if they don't look feminine enough, and can even be refused treatment or operations if they don't live fully in the gender they identify as? Damned if you do, damned if you don't, hey? 

❓ Why do trans women always are the butt of the joke in popular culture? As if the mockery and implications that trans strippers/dates are the worst thing that could happen to a straight man, did not have dire consequences on their safety and day to day lives? 

❓ Why do a lot of feminists (in the UK much more than in the US) either outrightly reject trans women, or think they would be a welcome addition to the movement? Why do some cis women think that trans men are a danger to young lesbians, when actually, the input of people breaking the gender binary would be crucial to break down patriarchy and violence against women? 

❓ Why do so many trans people get vilified for turning to sex work, whilst also being refused job interviews/jobs because of their identity/appearance? Why do so many trans people hide their sex assigned at birth from coworkers or bosses? 

❓ What is the place of trans people in the LGBTQ+ movement and why do straight people assume everyone gets on and has the same goals just because of their sexual orientation? 

❓ Why is capitalism incompatible with trans liberation? 

Etc. I could go on for hours about this book. Read it!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.