A review by just_fighting_censorship
Batman & Robin, Vol. 2: Batman vs. Robin by Grant Morrison


3 1/2 Stars

I liked this story but Batman VERSUS Robin is a little misleading, or at least the cover is misleading. Damien is actually not terrible in this story. I mean, I don't love him, I'm not completely crazy, but he was tolerable and I wasn't hoping he'd die.

A good portion of this volume takes place in London with an appearance by the Knight and Squire.

Because there is a Lazarus pit buried under London? I felt like this was a little random, and Morrison just wanted to use the characters, whatever.

One thing that really got on my nerves were all of the dialects, they were just over the top and really took me out of the story. I know that Morrison is Scottish and probably feels more than qualified to write a slue of different accents but they felt more like caricatures than anything else. When writing, it is preferable to offer a hint of an accent otherwise it bogs down the dialogue and is difficult for your reader to decipher.

Overall, the story was enjoyable and Morrison does a great job writing Grayson as Batman. He also is able to make me NOT hate Damien which is truly a miracle. Plus he writes Alfred right! Alfred is part of the action with some fantastic Alfred being awesome moments. The flow is fast once you get past all of the British characters nobody cares about and the ending is a complete shock. I was left having to immediately get the next volume.