A review by 4lbxrtoii
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft


she presents a bold and thought-provoking critique of societal norms and expectations surrounding women. Drawing parallels with Enlightenment thinkers like Kant and Rousseau, Wollstonecraft diverges significantly, arguing that women are hindered in their development of critical thinking and reason due to societal pressures and the infantilization they face. She challenges the notion that women are inherently inferior or suited only for domestic roles, emphasizing the importance of intellectual and moral development for both women and society as a whole.

Throughout the book, Wollstonecraft highlights the systemic obstacles faced by women, from being taught to prioritize pleasing others over pursuing their own desires, to being confined to restrictive gender roles that limit their autonomy and agency. She advocates for women to reject passive obedience and strive for true virtue, asserting that a society where women are empowered to reason and make independent choices is ultimately more just and equitable. Wollstonecraft's work remains a seminal text in feminist philosophy, inspiring generations of thinkers to question and challenge the status quo in pursuit of gender equality and women's rights.

At the end of the day she's just a girl. But she was clearly a girl's girl <3