A review by dakotavander
How to Stop Time by Matt Haig


🕰️ How to Stop Time by Matt Haig 🕰️ 

There’s a strange unexplained disease that causes a few people to age at a rate of 1 year for every decade. One man, born in the 1400s, has spent his life running from place to place to protect himself and his family from those who don’t understand the anti-aging disease. His daughter so happens to have the same disease and has been searching for her for centuries. Can he find her? Is there any way for him to stop running from his past?

I have loved reading Matt Haig since I read The Midnight Library. This year I have read 3 or 4 of his books and I haven’t been disappointed yet! This wasn’t the favorite of the bunch but I still enjoyed it. Maybe it’s because I also read The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by VE Schwab earlier this year and it was a much better read, but I didn’t like this version of immortality/time play. 

I don’t like it when stories like this try to shoe-horn in bits of history as if it’s totally normal that this random guy interacted with both Shakespeare and a well known explorer. What I liked about Addie LaRue is that it was just a normal persons perspective throughout time. I want more of THAT. Nothing crazy, nothing too notable. Just someone going through time without anything remarkable lol. 

I saw the twist coming and called it well before it happened. But all in all, I still enjoyed it!