A review by thefox22
The Witches of BlackBrook by Tish Thawer


*I received a copy of this from Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.
Review can also be found on The Fox's Hideaway.

My Review!
Any time there is a story about witches, I NEED to read it! Add a pretty cover on top of that, and I’m basically sold. While I did enjoy this book, there was something about it that was just...lacking. It was told in 3rd person and switched a few POVs throughout so it was a little hard to connect to the characters, but I liked them! I just didn’t feel as if I knew them enough to come to care for them.

The main character is Trin, massage therapist and witch. I don’t really know much about her aside from that. She’s polite to the point I rolled my eyes. She’s the most powerful witch ever, apparently, and yet I didn’t actually see her doing much of that craft throughout the book. She’s been searching for her long-lost sister, and she thinks she’s finally found her. But nothing is as it seems for Trin, and she’ll have to deal with a lot of confusion in this book. I liked her character a lot, though again, with the 3rd person POV and the short book, I didn’t really feel like I got to know her enough.

There were quite a few other characters who didn’t feel well-rounded at all, even the “villain” and his little portions of POV during the course of the book. The romance left much to be desired, and I didn’t quite believe it even with a certain reveal. They didn’t make me FEEL like they loved each other. I liked the other characters well enough, but they were kind of bland. And everyone was just so POLITE to each other, and I was like: this isn’t real life. There wasn’t any emotional depth. Again, much of that could just be because it was in 3rd person, which always makes it harder to step into a character’s shoes, so to speak. But I could have used so much more development with them.

The plot was actually kind of the saving grace, as I was intrigued the whole way through! I even totally missed the Big Twist (which makes me feel like an idiot after rereading the synopsis). I didn’t guess that so it took me by surprise. I did really like the flashbacks, though I think less is more sometimes in that regard. They did give me great background on the characters and the past, but quite a few seemed either irrelevant or randomly thrown out there for a break in dialogue/story-line. That ending also felt completely wrapped up (even if it a bit open-ended), and I didn’t actually know it was a series. So I’m kinda interested to see where the sequel takes us.

The Witches of BlackBrook, while not the greatest book I’ve ever read, was really entertaining and intriguing. It grabbed my attention in the beginning, and that never wavered. It was a quick read, so it left the characters feeling underdeveloped, but I’m sure the sequel will change things in that regard and we’ll see more of certain ones. :)

Rating: 3 Paw Prints!