A review by ldooten
Never Fall for Your Back-Up Guy by Kate O'Keeffe


This was just okay for me. The writing wasn't bad, but it was completely from the h's point of view, so I never felt like I got the whole story. It would have been nice to get Asher's point of view. The other thing for me was that Zara was annoying for most of the book. She came across as really immature for a 30 year old. At the beginning of the whole dog situation, I can't tell you how many times I rolled my eyes at her. She grew up with dogs so she knew what she was doing? Yeah, no. Then there was finding out Asher's secret. It was bad enough that she did, and didn't have a conversation with him about it. Then she felt like it was her business to share with their whole friend group? Again, not the most mature decision. I was just glad she didn't act all innocent when Asher found out that she knew. Everything works out pretty easily, and Asher and Zara get their HEA. This was a first for me from this author, but I would read her again.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.