A review by caitybell
Finale by Stephanie Garber


I was so nervous about this book. I wasn’t completely onboard with book 2, but now I’m thinking I would like Legendary more if I reread it now that I finished Finale. Legendary and Finale both, in my opinion, like the magical simplicity that Caraval had in spades. Legendary was simply such a major shift from the whimsical enjoyment of Caraval that I was disappointed greatly after reading it. Finale, I was prepared for. I went in wanting certain things, I got them all and so much more. Relationships I wasn’t quite sure of are now some of my favorites in recent years of reading. I was never bored and looked forward to every new thing that was happening. And a LOT happens. This book is long, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. The world didn’t feel brand new, like it had in Legendary after the switch from Caraval. I was excited to meet all the Fates. This book was more vicious, bloody, and the stakes were constantly at a high point. And the romance… I was here for the romance. I stayed for the romance. I was not disappointed by any of the romance. Between Jacks, Julian, and Legend—every time one of them popped up I smiled a little wider.

My rating might change as I think about it more, but as of this moment— after finishing it two minutes ago—I loved it.