A review by gloryreadstoomuchh
Blitz by Devney Perry


Since the last book in this series was written in january, waiting for this book felt like forever but it was definitely worth the wait. The couple met at the mmc’s party and they hooked up and later a few days later they found out that she was a volleyball player (jennsyn) and he was the football coach (toren) which is very forbidden at there school. Now in the beginning i was irritated that they decided to say away from each other but the wait was worth it.

They both had a lot of trauma that honestly made this book so deep, jennsyns mom used to play volleyball and went to the olympics and she wants the same for her daughter, but jennsyn doesnt want to do that and feels very pressured by her mom.

Also there was a scandal at her last school (stanford) where she actually had to leave because people thought she was messing with a coach but she wasn’t and her teammate told on her (thays why she doesnt trust her current teammates) for toren his uncle died and that caused a huge rift in his family.

Once the couple actually got together it was so cute omg, them sneaking around her roomates was so funny omg. Them being caught by ford was so funny. I cant wait for rally!!!