A review by hank
This Alien Shore by C.S. Friedman


4.5 stars rounded up. It wasn't perfect but sure close. I am still not entirely sure how to survive the ainniq but I think that is the way the Guild wants it. So much to enjoy from the cyberpunk aspects to the exploring of other worlds to the reveals of Guild society. Friedman packed so much world building into this and still managed to create a compelling story. I felt for Jamisia as she tried to figure out what exactly she was, I liked the unwritten subtext that maybe we all have parts of these personalities swirling around in our heads just not so overt. I liked the foreshadowing of friends to come and the planet everyone seemed headed for.

Friedman added just enough of several parts to leave me wanting more, yet not so much that it interfered with the story. I would love an entire book about the many faceted Guild society. I would love an entire book flying through cyberspace inside Phoenix and Masada's heads. I would love a Becky Chambers like voyage to explore all of the Hausman worlds. What I got however was nearly perfect, along with the bittersweet ending, just enough to satisfy yet want more.