A review by a___broad
The Blinding Light by Renae Kaye


I don't know how to feel about this book. On one hand, it had great storytelling, compelling characters and a easy narrative but something about it bugged the hell out of me. It's almost as if I'm indignant on Jake's behalf. He has to be one of the most selfless, caretaking characters I've ever beheld. His past and present almost broke me heart and yet his resilience, seemingly tireless work ethic and love of family forces him onwards. He is great to an almost Mary Sue-ish degree to be honest. He finally gets his Richard Gere so to speak and what is his reward…
Spoiler a f*cking baby. That his useless mother gives him as reward for raising her other three daughters and ruining his life to be frank.
I don't know about you, but I'd ask for my money back.

But I can't fault the author for that really. It boils down to a difference in opinion. I guess I'm not that family oriented enough to see that aspect of the plot as believable or rewarding.