A review by deadpoem
The Awakening by Nora Roberts


My wife is a HUGE Nora Roberts fan, and had been pestering me for quite a while to give her favorite author a shot. In my mind Nora Roberts had always equalled romance novels, and those really aren't my jam. That said, when I saw The Awakening I thought: "A fantasy story set in Ireland? Sounds cool." My ancestors came from Ireland and it looked to be inspired in part by Irish folklore, so it got my curiosity going enough to give in and give it a read. I'm glad I did because it was very enjoyable the whole way through. Breen was an easy character for me to relate to, and the rest of the characters were each entertaining in their own ways. Nora Roberts definitely has a way with description and dialogue (even packing some snark in when needed, which is a win with me). The story, though a bit slowly paced, always kept me engaged. I can see why my wife enjoys her work so much, and will be keeping an eye out for book 2 when it comes out.