A review by andotherworlds
Untamed by Glennon Doyle


4.5 // This book was perfection. I honestly don't gravitate towards memoirs very often, but I had seen this floating around bookstagram and I decided to give it a try without really knowing about what to expect. Oh was it so worth it.

I do want to give a quick content warning for mentions of mental illness, eating disorders, divorce, and alcoholism.

Besides the fact that the writing and the overall message that was being given by this book is something I could very easily get behind, an aspect I truly respected was how well the author handled writing about the many triggering topics she would sometimes delve into. Not once did I find she was glorifying any of her hardships. She made sure to of course acknowledge her past, but not make it the center of the book. She rather made it about how she has improved and gotten to that happy place she is. The writing is down to earth whilst utilizing beautiful metaphors all throughout which I appreciate as a literary element junky.

Overall I would definitely recommend this book to everyone, especially females in particular of all ages. It is uplifting, wholesome, and an absolute joy to get through.