A review by jillie
Dear Henry, Love Edith by Becca Kinzer

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
DNF @ 25%

I’m honestly a little shocked at how many people liked this & how no one mentions that Henry *literally* has a girlfriend the majority of the book. I stopped at 25% but I searched within the book & yes, the majority of it. I guess people excuse it because in the first part they decide to take some time apart while they figure out if they want to get married or break up, but umm. No. Just no. They never agreed they’d be seeing or talking to other people. They weren’t technically broken up. I couldn’t get into it for that reason alone, but also the miscommunication and mishaps were already driving me a little crazy.

(& yes, I added a CW for infidelity because of the whole girlfriend thing. That’s such an odd and unnecessary choice the author made.)

August 2023

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