A review by slavicreader
A Dance with Fate by Juliet Marillier


Another great book by Marillier. Yes, of course I'm allowed to say that after having only read three books by her, smh. She can do no wrong in my eyes. None.

That being said, this book definitely wasn't like the best thing I've ever read. It had its flaws - from some predictable plot points and revelations to some convenient events. But! If you love traditional fantasy, especially with a level-headed female lead that knows how to handle herself without being proud or show-offy; then I dare say you'll love this trilogy. Add in the ancient Ireland setting & mythology, great writing and a wide range of characters, it's just chef's kiss.

Dau and Liobhan were the highlights of this sequel for me. I don't entirely remember how Dau started off in the first book, but you can tell the guy has come far. His struggles and hardships were really rough. I think he deals with things quite well, despite the circumstances. Liobhan is great, and I love that she can actually pull through under duress when it comes to it. Brocc on the other hand... Generally think he's a bit eh, but he grew a bit on me here. Ernie on the other hand... No thank you.

In terms of setting up for the finale of the trilogy, I'm not sure if it did a ton. I'll have to read the conclusion to know for sure, but after everything Dau, Brocc and Liobhan went through, safe to say I'm afraid for them. Hoping Marillier gives them a little happy time as a treat.

Giving this five stars because I'm very biased and love books where the characters suffer.