A review by heartsdesire
The Star Thief by Lindsey Becker


What I Love:
1. The story obviously and indeed it lives to my expectations–I'm hooked to read it in 1 day.
2. Constellations alive, chase and being chased, having battles to stop the old evil creatures; YES I'M LIVING FOR THEM.
3. I kinda like Honorine because she's a cool-headed MC most of the time and she can handle the issues quite well despite her age (quite reaching perhaps, lol). All I can say that she deserves being one of the ‘mythical creatures’ because she has the virtue.
4. Story pace is good because I don't feel it's dragging, I feel like I'm running and flying with the characters (which is FUNNNN TIME).

What I Don't Like:
1. I don't feel touched in the moments that suppose to warm my heart or probably they're indeed not touching because looking at the events no adequate time given to build those.
2. Nautilus supposes to be dangerous as he's described but I don't feel that. I feel he's lacking ‘proofs’ to become the equal nemesis for Mapmaker. If Mapmaker is already mad then we should have the same for his enemy (fighting tooth and nails!)

All in all, the book is enthralling ride and I wish more people can read & enjoy it more than I do