A review by saintshithead
How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers by Toni Bernhard

Did not finish book.
I got this book when my closest friend/parter/ex thought she might be chronically ill. I found it incredibly annoying. I would say this book might be great for a Buddhist who gets sick. I've found a lot of value in trying to embody the tenets of Buddhism but am agnostic/atheistic as the day is long. I couldn't reconcile some of the super simplified advice for some of the world's hardest pill to swallow. 

Additionally, the author seems to barley reflect on the level of privilege they have in their lifetime partner also being willing to be a caretaker. So much of the trouble I had was how to honor my needs in the context of a relationship where I was also called to be a care taker. They hardly describe what this relationship is like and the advice they offer to care taker is boiler plate. Basically amounts to: take care of yourself too.. Have boundaries sometimes, etc. Useless. 

If you're looking to cope becoming chronically ill or being close to someone that's chronically ill, I'd skip this one. Omitting a star rating because I only got about halfway through before calling it quits.