A review by hollyreadsromance
Peer Reviewed by KC Leonard


This book was so beautifully written. I had a good feeling about it but it was somehow even better than I was expecting it to be. It was so full of LOVE. And it was also full of grief and anxiety and avoidance and miscommunications; and it was all written so well. Jo and Isaac were very much right person, wrong time. But they were also just two people who LOVED each other but needed their friendship more. And I LOVED them so much.

The first half was honestly everything. Was painful to watch Isaac and Jo be friends when they so clearly loved each other?? YES. Was it also painful watching them fight and stop seeing each other?? YES. But watching them always come back together because they’re meant to be was honestly everything. I love that this started at the beginning and brought us through their whole relationship. I love flashback and dual timelines, but there’s also something so good about just starting at the beginning?? 

I also loved that present day it was still a slow burn to get to the relationship. Their problems weren’t going to be solved over night, they had 12 years to work through. And I loved that they did. I loved that Isaac wasn’t going to give up. I love how careful Jo was with her heart. And most of all I LOVED them together. They were SO GOOD.

Miscommunication is usually something that frustrates me so much (because it’s actually so easy to have a miscommunication) but here it made perfect sense? Because it wasn’t JUST a miscommunication, it was a lack of communication,  they both didn’t know how to express their feelings, didn’t want to disrupt things (even though inevitably the miscommunication did anyway), and were both moving through their grief of losing their loved ones and continuously losing each other. 

Thank you so much to KC Leonard for the ARC in exchange for a best review! I already cannot wait to see what’s next!!