A review by theeclecticreview
The Passage by Justin Cronin


Wow!! I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of this trilogy and now it’s a TV series. That’s why I chose to read it. The TV trailer intrigued me, and when I started reading I couldn’t stop until 800+ pages later. Book 2 here I come.

What we’re doing here is perfectly legal–hell, it may be the most important piece of medical research in the history of mankind. But it could be easily misunderstood.

The government’s Project NOAH is out of control. They were using a virus on insignificant people, but when those subjects–later called virals–got loose, the government realized their mistake which was too late for the human race.

There’s safe and then there’s safe. I won’t lie to you. There are risks. But we’ll do everything we can to minimize them.

A young girl named Amy who was part of the experiment has the power to stop the carnage, and many brave heroes risk their lives to make sure she keeps hers.

A fantastic post-apocalyptic suspense thriller that deals with an immediate viral outbreak and continues many years later. Mr. Cronin is an incredible writer who makes you feel like you are in the thick of the chaos and mayhem of those who have little to no chance of surviving a viral menace. His characters give you hope, apprehension, horror, and belief all at the same time.

It’s a book that pushes you to read well past your bedtime while you make sure to lock your doors and windows before you go to sleep. Highly recommend.