A review by romankurys
Tribulation Force by Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins


I am fascinated by various Apocalypse stories and while most of the modern ones tend to revolve around zombies or a virus (surpriiiiiissseee), or both zombies and a virus this one takes a decently unique turn and goes down Bible street.

Overall I enjoyed the ride. Very fast paced, episodic chapters made me feel at times like I was watching a show. Pages are full of dialogue and almost nothing else, but having read the first book, I was prepared for it and did not mind it as much.

It’s a Christian thriller ride through and through. Nothing complicated about it.

With that said, I felt the book was a bit too heavy on the preaching, but what can I expect when one of the authors is literally a preacher, soo it is what it is. If you’re Christian, you’ll probably find it fun and pleasant, if you’re not, the text will most likely irk you. If you’re in between, and are able to separate the heavy religious push and just enjoy the adventure, it’s really quite fun.

This book had quite a bit happening and I found it interesting to see how a potential Biblical themed apocalypse could unfold. It is surely very different from any other scenario I have read about it watched so far. It is heavy on politics, international events, and naturally religion.

There was also quite a bit of relationship drama woven in, so that was a bit of a change from Book Albeit it’s a very PG relationship, but hey we get at least some romance in a middle of an unfolding apocalypse.

I will most likely continue the series whenever I’m in a mood for a fun, fast paced, easy to digest thriller.
